Ethics and operating procedures for the radio amateur

Third edition (2010 06)

John Devoldere, ON4UN

Mark Demeuleneere, ON4WW

Bob Whelan, G3PJT - proof reading and corrections

PowerPoint version

A PowerPoint presentation version of this document is also available. Both documents can be downloaded in various languages from: www.hamradio-operating-ethics.orgopen in new window. The PDF document is available in more than 25 languages.


If you are willing to help us with translating into another language, please contact one of the authors ([email protected] or [email protected]). Someone else may already be working on a translation.

Unless specified otherwise, the information contained in this document is created and authored by John Devoldere ON4UN and Mark Demeuleneere ON4WW (the "authors") and as such, is the property of the authors and protected by copyright law.

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  1. It is used for informational, non-commercial purposes only;
  2. Any copy or portion must include a copyright notice (©John Devoldere ON4UN and Mark Demeuleneere ON4WW);
  3. No modifications or alterations are made to the information without the written consent of the authors.

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