The Q Code

CodeQuestionAnswer or message
QRGWhat is the exact frequency?The exact frequency is...
QRKWhat is the readability of my signals?The readability of your signals is: 1. Bad; 2. Fairly bad; 3. Reasonably good; 4. Good; 5. Excellent.
QRLAre you busy? Is the frequency in use?I am busy. The frequency is in use.
QRMAre you interfered with?I am interfered with. 1. I am not at all interfered with; 2. Slightly; 3. Moderately; 4. Strongly; 5. Very strongly.
QRNAre you bothered by atmospherics?I am bothered by atmospherics. 1. Not at all; 2. Slightly; 3. Moderately; 4. Strongly; 5. Very strongly.
QROShould I increase power?Increase your power.
QRPShould I decrease my power?Decrease your power.
QRSShould I decrease my sending speed?Decrease your sending speed.
QRTShould I stop my transmission?Stop your transmission.
QRUDo you have anything for me?I have nothing for you.
QRVAre you ready?I am ready.
QRXWhen will you call me back?I will call you back at... Also: wait, standby
QRZWho was calling me?You are called by...
QSAWhat is the strength of my signals?The strength of your signals is: 1. Bad; 2; Fairly bad; 3. Reasonably good; 4. Good; 5. Excellent.
QSBIs my signal fading?Your signal is fading.
QSLCan you confirm reception?I confirm reception.
QSOCan you make contact with... (me)?I can make contact with... (you).
QSXCan you listen on...?Listen on ...
QSYShall I start transmitting on another frequency?Start transmitting on... Also: change frequency (to...)
QTCDo you have a message for me?I have a message for you.
QTHWhat is your location (latitude and longitude or by name of the location)?My location is ... latitude and ... longitude. or : my location is ...
QTRWhat is the exact time?The exact time is...